Purely Balm

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Know the Skin You’re In

It’s important to notice the subtle changes with your skin. I have noticed that my skin has changed over time with hormones, pregnancies, water consumption, and products I use. As we age our skincare needs are constantly changing. Also with the changing seasons, you may start to notice small changes in your skin as well.

Going into the Spring season your pores may clog more easily due to all the physical pollen that is floating around and the warmer temperatures that may cause oil production in your face to increase. This will require special attention to cleansing and exfoliating. In the cooler months, when we run heat in our homes, the air dries out and we may notice our skin drying out as well.

The location in which you live plays a large role as well. Recently I traveled from North Carolina to Colorado for vacation and my skin took a beating. Where I call home we average 70% humidity, but in Colorado they average %19. This dry air felt great but with the high altitude as well, left me sunburned and with dry peeling skin when I came home. I had traveled with a good moisturizer, but it was no match. Due to packing restraints from the airline I had not packed my Purely Body Sugar Facial Scrub. Using the scrub would have left my skin better protected against the harsh environment it found itself thrown into.

The most important thing to remember is to establish a skincare routine and stick to it. You will not see results overnight, it takes time. Take notice of the small changes, if a product causes a reaction with your skin, or if a product works really well but maybe just during certain months. There is no magic answer because everyone has different skin types. The key is to get to know the skin you are in and shine brightly!

-Kelly, Owner PB