Out With The Old…

It’s time to turn the page again to a new year. Beginning a new year brings a natural shift within us. New start, new habits, and letting go of things we have held onto.

New health habits are usually at the top of everyone’s list. From that new workout that will you have you beach ready by May to new eating habits in hopes of better health all year. There are statistics that show a very high attrition rate when it comes to “New Year’s Resolutions”. A likely contributor to this may be our very high expectations and large leaps.

The key to making a life change that will at least stick around to February are: Small Steps, Support, & Grace

Small Steps

Start one or two things that you can build on. It is probably unrealistic to tell yourself you are going strict vegetarian when you have been a “meat-a-saurus” for the majority of your life. Deciding to eat red meat just once a week may be a more obtainable goal. After you have experienced success you may then want to build on that and only allow red meat in your diet once a month. Also, if you have held down the coach more than you have held a dumbbell, you may want to try doing an activity for at least 30 minutes daily. If you are sore one day, a brisk walk may be in order over a punishing weight workout the next day.


January 1 is a great time to begin your journey. So many people have high hopes of lasting change, but no tribe to support them. Look for connection on social media groups, at your workplace, and at your place of worship. These are the people on a similar journey and people you can do life with. Cheering on someone else helps you be more accountable yourself.


This is a something we all need to give and receive. There are always set backs when you are on a journey to change. So many times, in my own journey, showing Grace to myself was nowhere in sight. Being too hard on yourself leads to negative self talk and ultimately getting stuck in a bad cycle. With whatever the change is you are seeking, when things go off the rails, (and they will) remember that you are only human & tomorrow is a new day to begin again.




Know the Skin You’re In